According to the exam that I just wrote, this is also know as reaction formation (psychodynamics: Freud). Briefly, smoking update: had a little relapse Sunday night but I had an epiphany too, if you falter then the count doesn't reset but rather you don't get to count the day. Therefore, I am a week smoke-free today. Genius because when I relapsed before it seemed to negate the days accomplished where I should rather revel in rebuking the devil.
Congruently, I wrote an exam today which I was again poorly prepared for but alas, all is well because my objective is to pass the course at this point. My semester went to the dumps after I was duped and dumped by a chump who though she could pump my throat with a lump and turn me into a stump. I nipped this in the rump because I'll get over this hump and triumph. For the best or worst, I am adverse to curse so I'll miss this hearse and get immersed in my diverse new purse. Can't bring me down because I know the noun of sound and bound the found. I'll be around like a hound, mind wound and quite renowned.
Don't give a hoot what you shoot, my choice is absolute and astute to refute this brute. w0.0t w0.0t
The owl chose a vowel to scowl. Be wise, improvise, devise the size of the skies for your highs; dismiss the lies to comprise a demise; compromise, hypothesize and vitalize.
~ Well that's all for today. Brain numb, dumb as I succumb to boredom.
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